Viz,; don't steal my capital,, then, complain I'm not communicating with you. Analogy: People trying to put their d*ck in my wife. Like,, promising football trainers, pretending you were going to buy them; then,, when I throw an old pair away to expose your argument, you lie; play dumb and try and devalue me. OR,, devalue a university,, by skipping lectures to sit in McDonalds. THEN,, using the following statement, to take advantage of your neighbour's, for political and financial gain: "YOU CAN TRUST ME,, BECAUSE I HAVE AN EXETER UNIVERSITY MATHS DEGREE." Which nobody has ever seen... OR,, Wait for me to pay for a failed Car MOT,, Because you want a £100k car for less than £10k or less. Pretend to be in meetings, with no intention of finding a solution,, Then, continue to call me after you've taken my assets that are insured. OR,, Written in a comoany groupchat that "I DO NOT WANT YOUR NUMBER." THEN,, continually call and beg like a little proletariat b*tch for my help. ππs!! #Charlatans #Roguetraders #Cowboys OR,, Refer to your dogs as "The kids" because you haven't got the physique to carry children of your own. **Immune system will probably pack in. Money is not scarce. Land, labour and capital is. From the Anglian Home Improvements Office, St Albans (And a brand I like; although dinosaur-like reactions): "Skilled labour is not cheap. Cheap labour is not skilled"
Viz,; don’t steal my capital,, then, complain I’m not communicating with you. Analogy: People trying to put their d*ck in my wife. Like,, promising football trainers, pretending you were going to buy them; then,, when I throw an old pair away to expose your argument, you lie; play dumb and try and devalue me. OR,, devalue a university,, by skipping lectures to sit in McDonalds. THEN,, using the following statement, to take advantage of your neighbour’s, for political and financial gain: “YOU CAN TRUST ME,, BECAUSE I HAVE AN EXETER UNIVERSITY MATHS DEGREE.” Which nobody has ever seen… OR,, Wait for me to pay for a failed Car MOT,, Because you want a £100k car for less than £10k or less. Pretend to be in meetings, with no intention of finding a solution,, Then, continue to call me after you’ve taken my assets that are insured. OR,, Written in a comoany groupchat that “I DO NOT WANT YOUR NUMBER.” THEN,, continually call and beg like a little proletariat b*tch for my help. ππs!! #Charlatans #Roguetraders #Cowboys OR,, Refer to your dogs as “The kids” because you haven’t got the physique to carry children of your own. **Immune system will probably pack in. Money is not scarce. Land, labour and capital is. From the Anglian Home Improvements Office, St Albans (And a brand I like; although dinosaur-like reactions): “Skilled labour is not cheap. Cheap labour is not skilled”
Viz,; don’t steal my capital,, then, complain I’m not communicating with you. Analogy: People trying to put their d*ck in my wife. Like,, promising football trainers, pretending you were going to buy them; then,, when I throw an old pair away to expose your argument, you lie; play dumb and try and devalue me. OR,, devalue a university,, by skipping lectures to sit in McDonalds. THEN,, using the…
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